We have an organizational culture based on facilitating the constructiveness of the design, ensuring the definition of details, the development of drawings and executive models of structure, architecture, facilities, to complement the work of the designer and facilitate the execution. We have named this special type of assistance BOCE, Back Office Construction Engineering, which involves both the interpretation of the design and the understanding of the construction phases by our technical team as well as the communication and joint work with the stakeholders.
- Verification and coordination of the BoQs of the different subcontractors and designers.
- Breakdown or segmentation of quantities by type of work, sections, phases, etc. for subcontracting.
- Progressive updating of quantities according to the progress of the design.
- Comparative analysis of quantities submitted by subcontractors with the results of work progress monitoring.
- Coordination of the designers' BIM models and audit of these models with executive criteria, to detect
inconsistencies, clashes, duplicities affecting quantities, indefinitions or lack of information necessary for the
construction phase. - Finalization, complementation, updating, detailing or parameterization of BIM models.
- Elaboration of Shop drawings of Architecture, MEP and structure. Steel and BBS detailing, taking into account
construction phases, concreting sequences, planning and construction criteria.